Did you know that November is Osteoporosis Awareness month? I’ve got 2 new recipes that feature an unexpected, yet delicious ingredient that is good ...
DIY Halloween Treats
Happy Halloween Friends! I'm so excited to share some of the Halloween theme food I've been inspired to make this year. Theme food is my JAM! I'm ...
Simple Strawberry Snacks!
Snacking is one of the best ways to boost your energy and manage your appetite throughout the day #Ad. The question is “What should I snack on?”. ...
Hawaiian Rainbow Salad
Happy Nutrition Month! I'm very lucky to have had the opportunity to escape the last few weeks of winter and start off the month here in tropical ...
120th Boston Marathon
This post is coming over a year late, but better late than never right?! With registration for the 2018 Boston Marathon coming up this week, I ...
Toast is Turning Orange
Everyone must have a favourite vegetable right?! One of my favourites (behind Kabocha Squash) are sweet potatoes; talk about the most versatile ...
Toast Toppers – What’s Trending?
The movement for #avocadotoast has certainly reached new heights in the last few years. Instagram has over 250,000 #avocadotoast posts!!! The ...
Pumpkin Recipe Round-Up & Fresh Pumpkin Puree
Who's not ready to give up on pumpkin season quite yet? Before we transition from the pursuit of pumpkin, to the pursuit of peppermint I wanted to ...
Spread the Love
Meet Abe & Jeff - the co-founders of Habibis Mediterranean Foods!I had the pleasure of visiting the factory in Surrey, BC where they produce 100% ...
Powdered Peanut Butter?
I have always been fond of peanut butter - especially when mixed with chocolate and banana!! I love peanut butter in it's most natural form, but it's ...
Greens Galore!
Seeing as it's the last day March, the month of everything 'green' as well as the last day of national nutrition month, it only makes sense to do a ...
Lean, Clean and Green for 2016
In my books, lean, clean and green stands for finding SIMPLE, FRESH and SUSTAINABLY sourced foods wherever possible. The trend for ...
Fueling for a Half Marathon
TIP#1: Train your diet as you do your fitness and running. Why does good nutrition matter? Think of your body like a luxury vehicle. In order for ...
2015 – What Did We Learn?
I know that this is a little late coming well into January, but better late than never right?! Nutrition news will come and go, but there are some ...
What I Ate Wednesday
I wish I could say I was this organized all the time. I find that nutrition is something that isn't always 100% on. Some weeks are more organized than ...
Europe 2015: The Food – Part 4
Part 4: Menorca, Spain Menorca is a little gem in the Mediterranean within the Balearic Islands in Spain (near Mallorca). If you enjoy nature, ...
Europe 2015: The Food – Part 3
Part 3: Rome, Italy The Mediterranean diet has been touted for its' health benefits for many years; fresh vegetables, fruit, seafood, grains, olive ...
Europe 2015: The Food – Part 2
Part 2: Croatia We spent almost 2 weeks exploring the coastline of ...
Europe 2015: The Food – Part 1
One of the best things about international travel is experiencing different types of food and restaurants! My 4-week trip through Europe this summer ...
Spectacular Viewpoints
I have been fortunate to travel to some absolutely gorgeous destinations. There are so many highlights, but these are some stand-out spots: 1. Hill ...