We are truly in unchartered territory with many of us spending a lot more time at home cooking, snacking and looking for more healthy shelf stable foods. Who else is snacking more that you are home? Simple, healthy and EASY snacks are key to optimizing our overall health and energy.
#AD We know that prunes are good for our gut health, but did you know that our gut health is tied to our immune function? Prunes are a prebiotic food, which means they work together with the probiotic bacteria in your gut to boost your immune system!! Specifically, California Prunes contain vitamin B6 and copper which contribute to normal function of the immune system. California Prunes are a good source of fibre and provide some natural sweetness (perfect for that 4pm sugar craving!).
I’ve paired the California Prunes with tamari almonds to add some healthy fats and protein which will flatten the sugar spike and leave you satisfied for longer. You could also try adding some nut or seed butter for a similar effect. Use what you have in your pantry to make a home-made trail mix! Add equal parts cashews (or any nut!), dark chocolate chips, California Prunes and pumpkin seeds.
Since we’re all aiming to shop less frequently, stocking up on essentials with a long shelf life with the dual function of supporting our health is key! California Prunes have low moisture levels, which means they can be stored in the cupboard for up to one year. Happy Snacking 🙂